Growing Resiliency

Dear Friends,

If there is one thing that remains constant in our current environment, it is the resiliency we can learn, along with the support that we can receive from each other and the natural world.

Starting this week, as we continue to pot up native plant plugs and wild harvest native edible medicinal plants, we are ramping up efforts to grow more organic vegetables and herbs. Our mission is to provide our customers and community members the tools, information and plant material for a sustainable home food system.

In the current conditions that are keeping more of us at home, we continue to receive inquiries about native plants, shrubs and trees. We understand our need to continue to provide food for native pollinators, who pollinate fruits, berries vegetables and native perennial edibles.

Over the past two weeks, Bridghe and I have been continuing to plan for a normal nursery season – to supply local landscapers, gardeners and permaculturalists while also being flexible enough to provide for the public’s general needs.

We’ll be offering more than we have in the past to help you grow your own food and look forward to sharing these updates with you. In the meantime, please call or email is with any thoughts, questions or concerns.

Love, Solidarity and Peace to You All,

Amillie and Bridghe