Opening May 13, 2021

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Just like you, we can’t wait for spring! The greenhouse is warming up, and soon seeds will be sprouting to life. We are looking forward to providing you with the healthiest, highest quality native plants that nature can provide.

Until then, start planning your vision by perusing our ever-growing Master Plant List, signing up for our unique CSAs, and joining us to connect with the land to learn about edible and native invasives in our season long Exploring Invasives Workshop Series.

We are always here to help you with your plant questions as you build beauty, grow habitat and fill your world with the magic of native species.

Please read our updated policy, hours and pricing below! Thank you for ALL of your support!



Visitors to Helia Native Nursery are asked to practice safety and social distancing while visiting the nursery. All visitors must keep 6 feet of distance between each other, and wear a mask and gloves until further notice.

The Nursery and Helia Land Design are practicing safe distancing at this time until further notice. Employees and volunteers of both companies are practicing social distancing, wearing masks and gloves and wiping down shared surfaces.

We are now accepting credit cards (with an added 3.5% service charge), cash or check but prefer that plants are pre-ordered and paid for in advance.

  • The nursery will provide availability, pricing and tag your plants when you pre-order

  • At this time, we prefer all purchases be made by credit card or check.

  • Deliveries are available Monday-:

- within 20 miles of the Nursery for $50 (no large tree B&Bs)

- within 20 miles of the Nursery for $100 for any orders including large Tree B&Bs. An additional $25 is added for every additional B&B tree.

- within 50 mile radius of the Nursery for $150 (no large tree B&Bs)

- within 50 mile radius of the Nursery for $300 for any orders including large tree B&Bs. An additional $25 is added for every large B&B tree.

  • In the desire to keep everyone safe, all deliveries will be dropped at the tailgate by the Nursery if you don't have a machine to offload.

The Nursery can refer clients to a list of landscape professionals who we recommend for all of your planting and maintenance requests. While the Nursery staff is available to answer questions you might have or recommendations on planting, we encourage clients to request a consultation from Helia Land Design for any design/planning assistance. Recommendations from Nursery staff are based on limited site information and the Nursery will not be held liable for any raised issues resulting from past recommendations.


While we absolutely love canines and all pets, they must be kept in the car or at home when visitors come to the nursery. 

Contact information for the Nursery:

Manager: Christopher Graves


Office Phone: 413-528-1400


A credit is issued for the return of any plants, trees and shrubs in their original pot and original condition within one week of sale. CSA, veggie seedlings, seed, or tree campaign purchases may not be refunded. We offer no cash refunds. The buyer will be notified by posted notice or Nursery staff if a plant is not fully ready for sale (a plant that has been potted up during the season that hasn’t fully rooted out in the pot, or has not woken from dormancy, or gone into dormancy, to name a few examples.) While a customer is able to buy a plant that isn’t “ready”, we will ask for signed confirmation that the client understands that the plant is in a dormant or developing stage.

Pre-orders and some special orders that are cancelled may be subject to a 15% restocking fee.

We recommend that clients plant trees or shrubs within 24 hours and watering the newly planted specimen consistently 


Shipping/Freight: Orders are shipped via UPS or USPS and require a street address. Shipping and handling is added to any shipment of seed.

Seed orders take time to put together and speed of order fulfillment can depend on the time of year. Inquires will lead to availability and a quote. If seed is available, orders will be filled within 10-14 days. Our pre-mixed seed blends are available for pick-up or delivery within 1-5 days while supplies last.

Warranty: All seed is guaranteed viable at time of sale. All species and mixes are true to labeled weight, botanical name and meet the label’s seed test specifications within recognized tolerances. Due to planting and growing conditions out of our control, we cannot guarantee the establishment of plants using our seed. Helia Land Design and Helia Native Nursery cannot guarantee the survival of sown seeds.

2020 Helia Native Nursery


Herbaceous Plants:

Plugs: $3.50/each, 1 tray of 50 $150

1 gallon  or smaller: $13.75

1.5 gallon: $15.95

2 gallon: $17.95

Grasses and Ferns:

1 gallon: $17.95


1# or smaller: $29.99

1.5#: $34.95

2#: $39.99


1# 1-2’: $24.95

1#  3-4’: $29.99 - $39.99

1#  4-12’: Prices vary depending on species and restoration vs. landscape grade. Inquire with the Nursery Manager.

Veggie Seedlings:

4-pack vegetables $4.99 (some varieties vary)

4” pots are $5.95

6” pots are $10.95

Prices are subject to vary.

Berkshire Meadow Mix:

.25oz $8.25

1oz $25.99

1 pound $285 

Berkshire Pollinator Mix:

.25oz $8.25

1oz $25.99

1 pound $285

Berkshire Lawn Mix:

1/2 pound: 14.00

1 pound $28.00

All other species of seed for sale are priced individually. Inquire with Amillie at for any seed orders.

Organic Compost/Mulch/Soil Delivery:

We make deliveries of 3-yards of compost, soil or mulch for $360 within a 20 mile radius and for $400 within a 50 mile radius.


Helia Native Nursery is strictly organic and only uses OMRI-certified fertilizer and treatments. We recycle plastic flats and pots at the nursery and encourage visitors to bring back their pots and flats that are in good condition during our open hours


Volunteers are not allowed to volunteer until further notice due to COVID-19. As restrictions list on social distancing, a volunteer program will be reinstated.

Volunteers can participate in wild harvesting, potting up, weeding, visitations (Seed bank and HNN) and infrastructure fixes/cleaning.

After 4 volunteer sessions (each 4 hours), volunteers can receive 30% off one purchase order of plants (of value no greater than $300 USD).

Photo by congerdesign

Helia Native Nursery